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Civil Service Commission

The Medina Civil Service Commission is responsible for the administering and enforcing the Medina Civil Service Rules, the city's Charter, and the laws of the State of Ohio all relative to civil service in the City of Medina and the Medina City School District.

The Commission is comprised of three persons who are appointed by the City of Medina's mayor to serve in the manner provided for in the Medina Civil Service Rules, the Ohio Revised Code and the city's Charter.

Civil Service Commission (6-year term - appointed by Mayor) Ref. Charter, Article V, Section 8 and Chapter 153

Member Affiliation Term Expiration
James Palmquist  (Chairman) Resident  6/30/29
James Monhollen Resident  6/30/27
Delmar Jones Resident 6/30/25
Laureen Wilson Secretary