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The Engineering Department is always available to answer resident and business owner questions, concerns and complaints regarding storm water drainage, traffic, City construction projects and many other miscellaneous issues.
The City of Medina Engineering Department is primarily responsible for the development, design, management and inspection of all of the City’s capital improvement projects. The Department maintains and manages four main capital improvement programs:
1. Street & Storm Water
Includes projects involving the repair, reconstruction, installation and improvement of roadway pavements; intersections, bridges; storm sewers and storm sewer structures; drainage improvements; sidewalks and curb ramps; traffic signals; and traffic signal control systems. To submit a complaint regarding stormwater or draining issues, please fill out this form, Draining Flooding Complaint Form, and return to the Engineering Department
2. Water Distribution
Includes projects involving the repair, reconstruction, installation and improvement of water distribution mains; water storage tanks; booster pumping stations; and water telemetry control systems.
3. Railroad
Includes projects involving the repair, reconstruction, installation and improvement of the City’s 3.7 mile long railroad; the seven (7) City owned at-grade crossings; two (2) railroad bridges and the rail signal control equipment.
4. Special Projects
Includes improvement projects for the City Parks and Recreation Department (multi-purpose paths; spray grounds, park roadway improvements, etc.), projects at the Medina Municipal Airport; and other miscellaneous City improvement projects (e.g., the courthouse parking structure; truck weigh station, etc.).
To support these capital improvement programs, the Engineering Department maintains infrastructure condition databases, provides regular inspection of the City’s infrastructure, and submits project recommendations to the Mayor and City Council.
Between 2000 and 2009, the Engineering Department was responsible for the completion of more than $53 million in municipal improvement projects.
In addition to managing the City’s capital improvements programs, the Engineering Department completes the review, approval and inspection of all streets and improvements installed by private developers in new residential, industrial and commercial subdivisions. This work includes not only new public roadways, but also new water lines and facilities, new storm sewers, drainage basins, sidewalks, etc.
Other duties of the Engineering Department include acting as the City’s liaison to other local, state and federal government agencies (ODOT, ORDC, NOACA, FEMA, FRA, FHWA, etc.); maintaining the City map, maintaining and developing the City’s construction standards, managing the local floodplain and issuing engineering departmental permits for roadway openings, special hauling (oversized loads), and pond installation.
The Engineering Department is responsible for applying and managing all state and federal grants for infrastructure improvements. We are proud to say that since the year 2000, the City has received nearly $12 million in infrastructure improvement grants.
Patrick Patton, Engineer
E-mail: [email protected]
Office: (330) 722-9034