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Bike and Multi-Use Paths - Existing paths in both the City of Medina and Medina County
CEDA and the City of Medina Map - A general and close-up map of the Cooperative Economic Development Agreement (CEDA) area between the City of Medina and York Township. The area is now industrially zoned for development.
Community Facilities Map - Location of the City of Medina's community facilities
Existing Land Use Map - Current land uses in the city
Future Land Use Map - The map is meant to guide the pattern and character of future growth in the city. The map should be used as a tool to guide future land use policies, and decisions, and reflects responsible use and reuse of land that is consistent with the community's visions.
Historic District and Transitional Corridor Overlay Map - The Locally Designated Historic District, Historic Properties, and the major corridors entering the district. These two areas have special requirements in regards to building and planning requirements.
Public Parking Lots and Garages Map - Available public parking areas in the downtown Central Business District
Regional Location Map - Medina's location in regard to the state and the region of northeast Ohio
Rocky River Watershed Maps - Tributaries and runoff of the Rocky River in the city and county of Medina
Roadway Network Map - Major thoroughfares in the city
Zoning Map - A link to a page with the city's most up to date map
Ward Map - Boundaries for each of the four wards in the city