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Find Building and Properties for sale in the City of Medina (Economic Development)

Job Creation Tax Credits


The Job Creation Grant incentive program is designed to encourage the creation of new jobs in the City of Medina by providing an annual grant payment based on the percentage of the annual payroll withholding taxes generated by new employees to the company. 

A company must make an investment in building and/or machinery and equipment, and within a three-year period, create a minimum of 10 new full-time jobs within the City of Medina and a minimum of $300,000 in new annual payroll.

Grant agreements are negotiated prior to the project according to the following guidelines.



$ 330,000 – 1,000,000

3 years

$ 1 million – 2 million

4 years

$ 2 million – 3 million

5 years

$ 3 million – 5 million 

6 years

$ 5 million – 7 million

7 years

$ 7 million – 10 million

8 years

$ 10 million+

9 years

For companies currently operating in the City of Medina, total existing and new payroll is used to determine the number of years of the grant. The maximum grant award is 40% of new payroll taxes and will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Business Development Committee. The more a company exceeds the initial payroll threshold, the more it benefits from the incentive grant.

For additional information please contact City of Medina Economic Development Director at 330.764.3319.