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Friends of the Cemetery


The 1997 Master Plan for Spring Grove Cemetery recommended the establishment of a citizen's advisory group whose mission would be the beautification, preservation and maintenance of the two Medina Municipal Cemeteries: Spring Grove Cemetery and the Old Town Graveyard.

To that end, the Friends of the Cemetery held their first meeting in November of 1997 and in May of 1999 became a non-profit organization. Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in or would like to support these two cemeteries.

Together with the City of Medina and various local foundations, the Friends of the Cemetery have made considerable contributions at both cemeteries including:

  • Chapel Restoration
  • Construction of new hard-edged lake and refurbishment of old lake
  • Construction of the Pat Mears Memorial Garden
  • Baby Section beautification and improvements in conjunction with the Oddfellows Organization
  • Annual tree maintenance and fertilization
  • Annual perenial garden maintenance
  • Lake maintenance
  • Litter receptacles
  • Flagpole lighting

The Friends of the Cemetery also produce a bi-annual newsletter and conduct an annual historical walk at Spring Grove Cemetery in conjunction with the Medina County Library.

The Friends of the Cemetery office is located at 775 E. Washington Street.

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