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Hypodermic Needle and Sharps Disposal
Hypodermic needles and other medical "sharps" pose a significant health threat to recycling and sanitation workers and should NEVER be placed in your garbage isolated. The safest option is to use an FDA- cleared sharps container to protect your family members, health workers, and sanitation workers prior to disposing of sharps. These containers are widely available at pharmacies and other retail stores. Household plastic containers can be used as well. They should be rigid, leak-proof, puncture-resistant and have a tight fitting lid. Do not use glass containers. The container should then be labled "SHARPS" in bold lettering. The container can then be properly disposed of in your garbage in plain sight. Click Here for Ohio EPA recommendations.
There are also sharps mail back programs available for a fee. These programs provide disposal supplies and return disposal packaging and return lables when you order the sharps container.