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Snow Removal
The City of Medina has been divided into six routes for snow removal (click HERE for the map). We plow and salt every street in the City of Medina. State Routes and other main roads will get more attention because of the volume of traffic.
The Street Department is responsible for snow and ice removal during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; and the Police Department is responsible for calling the crew out after hours. They assist the Street Department in advising the level of safety needed on the roadway.
Please note that the crew tries not to hit mailboxes but they do get knocked down occassionally due to wet, heavy snow or improper placement. These can be reduced if you make sure your mailbox is behind the back of the curb and in a good condition prior to the snow removal season. Our policy is not to replace a mailbox not properly installed and not actually contacted by the snow plow.