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Establishing Water Service
Establishing Water/Sanitation Service
Please complete & sign an Owner’s or Renter’s Card and return to the Water Department at [email protected]. The address line below your signature is the billing address.
A final meter reading appointment will need to be scheduled to transfer the service as inside access to the water meter is needed for the reading/inspection. Appointments are scheduled Monday – Friday, 7:30 – 11:30 am (morning appointment) or 11:30 – 3 pm (afternoon appointment). Please contact the Water Department at 330-722-9081 to schedule this appointment. Service remains in the current account holder’s name until the final meter reading/inspection is completed. Effective 10/25/2023, a $200 deposit will be required to start the water/sanitation service.
New resident information regarding the water billing and trash collection services will be sent to you when the final meter reading is scheduled.
Additional City of Medina Utilities & Services are noted below. Please contact the Medina County Sanitary Engineers’ office to start the sanitary sewer service. Also please contact the Regional Income Tax Agency (R.I.T.A.) to register for city income tax. All city residents are required to register/pay city income tax. R.I.T.A. is the agency that administers the collection of this tax for the city.
Water - 330-722-9081
$16.69 Mo./Min. + $3.53/100cf(750 gal)
Rubbish - 330-722-9026
$18.00 Mo./Min.
Levy - Capital Improvement Levy (City of Medina)
$5.10 Mo. (Residential Rate)
City Income Tax R.I.T.A. 1-800-860-7482
Sewage Medina County Sanitary Engineers 330-723-9585
Telephone Frontier Communications 1-877-462-8188
Gas Columbia Gas Co. 1-800-344-4077
Electric First Energy-Ohio Edison 1-800-633-4766
CableTV Armstrong Cable 330-723-3536
Post Office MedinaPost Office 330-722-6511
Voter Registration Medina County Board of Elections 330-722-9278
Dog License Medina County Auditor's Office 330-725-9755
Vehicle License Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles 330-725-4635
Vehicle Title Medina County Auto Title Department 330-722-9253
Library Medina County Library 330-725-0588
Police Non-Emergency 330-725-7777
Emergency Police/Fire 911
Schools Medina City Schools 330-725-8831
Buckeye Local Schools 330-722-8257
St. Francis Parochial School 330-725-3345
City of Medina 132 North Elmwood Ave. 330-725-8861
**OUPS - Call before you dig... Ohio Utility Protection Services 1-800-362-2764
Reminder: No Parking on Public Streets between 2am-5am