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Clerk of Council

Clerk of Council    

Clerk of Council Kathy Patton has been with the City of Medina since January 1, 2004. She was appointed Clerk of Council on November 8, 2010.

In addition to numerous varied responsibilities, the Clerk of Council is responsible for managing the council office, attends all council meetings, writes all legislation and documents all official action taken at meetings.

The clerk is appointed by a majority of council and serves at the pleasure of council.

Education: Kent State University Municipal Clerk’s Association Certification Program, Certified Municipal Clerk

Professional Associations: International Institute of Municipal Clerks Association, Ohio Municipal Clerks Association, Northeast Ohio Municipal Clerks Association and Tri-County Clerks Association.

Kathy Patton, CMC - Clerk of Council

E-mail: [email protected]

Office: (330) 722-9040