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2022 Ordinances and Resolutions July - Dec

Ord./Res.    Description of Ord./Res. Date Passed      Vote
132-2022 Resolution congratulating Austyn Geoffrey Perdue attaining the rank of Eagle Scout 07/11/2022 Passed 7-0
133-2022 Tax Budget fiscal year Jan. 1, 2023 submitting to Medina County Auditor 07/11/2022 Passed 7-0
134-2022 Purchase agreement 30.05 acres 2000 Medina Road, Medina OH Parcel #033-12A-03-017 Municipal Airport expansion/operations 07/11/2022 Passed 7-0
135-2022 Approve Adopt Enact current replacement pages to the Codified Ordinances City of Medina 07/11/2022 Passed 7-0
136-2022 ARPA Funding First Responder Wellness grant Medina City Police Department fitness room 07/11/2022 Passed 7-0
137-2022 Agreement Main Street Medina, City Medina, for Medina TV Production Services 07/11/2022 Passed 6-1/BL
138-2022 Economic Dev. (TREX) transfer Division Liquor Control Property @ 220 N. State Street 07/11/2022 Passed 7-0
139-2022 Award contract to bidder for West Smith reconstruction Phase 4 project 07/11/2022 Passed 7-0
140-2022 Pymt invoices #27029 27030 27032 total $25,072.34 Wintrow Consturction Corp. Acct.#145-0630-54411 07/11/2022 Passed 7-0
141-2022 Increase expenditure Wintrow Construction Corp. emergency repairs City railway 07/11/2022 Passed 7-0
142-2022 Amend Cpt. 145.03 adopted "Appendix A" Codified ordinances Historic Preservation Board 07/11/2022 Passed 6-1/BL
143-2022 Amend Ord 191-19 Sec 5.6 & 7.2 Joint operating agreement relative to MCRC 07/11/2022 Passed 7-0
144-2022 Accept reimbursement Patrick Leahy Bulletproof BJA Grant purchase vests Police Department 08/22/2022 Passed 7-0
145-2022 Application Grant Assist Ohio Public Works Commission Issue 1 LTIP program funding Medina St. Bridge 08/22/2022 Passed 7-0
146-2022 Necessity to appropriate easement on property for replacement Gates Mills Blvd. culvert 08/22/2022 Passed 7-0
147-2022 Increase expenditure Epic Aviation purchase Jet-A-Fuel Medina Municipal Airport 08/22/2022 Passed 7-0
148-2022 Pymt to Crouch Enterprises private rehab 412 W. Washington St. PY20 CHIP grant program 08/22/2022 Passed 7-0
149-2022 Pymt to Crouch Enterprises private rehab 30 Circle Dr. PY20 CHIP grant program 08/22/2022 Passed 7-0
150-2022 Pymt AM Plumbing LLC Battered Women's Shelter CDBG Target Opportunity Grant 08/22/2022 Passed 7-0
151-2022 Pymt Calvary Mechanical LLC Battered Women's Shelter CDBG Target Opportunity Grant 08/22/2022 Passed 7-0
152-2022 Finance Director to make certain fund transfers 08/22/2022 Passed 7-0
153-2022 Amend Ord. 201-21 passed 12/13/21 Budget 2022 08/22/2022 Passed 7-0
154-2022 Finance Director to make certain fund advances 08/22/2022 Passed 7-0
155-2022 Adoption 2022 Comprehensive Plan Update for City of Medina 09/12/2022 Passed 6-0
156-2022 OneOhio Opioid settlement Fund #153 for City of Medina 09/12/2022 Passed 6-0
157-2022 Advertise Auction sale disposal city equipment vehicles no longer in use 09/12/2022 Passed 6-0
158-2022 Advertise bid award contract South Court Street curb replacement program 09/12/2022 Passed 6-0
159-2022 Job Creation grant pymts Carlisle Brake & Friction Products 09/12/2022 Passed 6-0
160-2022 Job Creation grant pymts Sandridge Food Corporation 09/12/2022 Passed 5-1 abs/RH
161-2022 Approve receive grant assist Ohio Criminal Justice services COVID 09/12/2022 Passed 6-0
162-2022 Amend sec 505.11 chpt 505 Nuisance abatement control reduction deer population 09/12/2022 Passed 5-1 BL
163-2022 Loan app Ohio Public Works Commission water system improvement project 09/12/2022 Passed 6-0
164-2022 Ageement Medina County and City pertaining to operation Maintenance City's sanitary sewer system 09/12/2022 Passed 6-0
165-2022 Amend Ord. 165-22 passed 6/8/22 Emergency SR 18 Waterline Extension 09/12/2022 Passed 6-0
166-2022 Purchaase various fitness equipment Design2Wellness MCRC 09/12/2022 Passed 6-0
167-2022 Expenditure $33,660.00 Fire Safety Services Inc. twelve (12) sets Turn Out Gear Fire Dept. 09/12/2022 Passed 6-0
168-2022 Pymt. C&J Noble construction Rehab 172 Normandy Dr. Brunswick PY20 CHIP Grant 09/12/2022 Passed 6-0
169-2022 Amend No. 201-21 passed 12/13/21 2022 Budget 09/12/2022 Passed 6-0
170-2022 Donating Mitel phones and hardware to Medina Co. Sheriff's Office 09/26/2022 Passed 6-0
171-2022 Donating Dell Optiplex PC's to Medina City Schools 09/26/2022 Passed 5-1abs/JS
172-2022 Purchase (1) 2023 Ford F150 Pickup Truck Parks Department 09/26/2022 Passed 6-0
173-2022 Amend Sec. 31.07 Salaries Benefits revised Job Description Economic Dev. Marketing Manager 09/26/2022 Passed 6-0
174-2022 Forestry Dept. Urban Canopy restoration grant program ODNR 09/26/2022 Passed 6-0
175-2022 Solicit RFP's Drug Screening Associated Professional Services City employees 09/26/2022 Passed 6-0
176-2022 Execute Consent Legislation ODOT implement Municipal Bridge Inspection Program 09/26/2022 Passed 6-0
177-2022 Reimbursement of $344,265.00 Medina Hospital for over-charge for rubbish containers 09/26/2022 Passed 6-0
178-2022 Establishing Information Technology Fund (#688) IT and related issues 09/26/2022 Passed 6-0
179-2022 Finance Director to make certain fund advances 09/26/2022 Passed 6-0
180-2022 Amend Ord. 201-21 passed 12/13/21 (Amendments to 2022 Budget) 09/26/2022 Passed 6-0
181-2022 Congratulating Veteran's Treatment Court Valor Graduates 10/11/2022 Passed 7-0
182-2022 Amend sec 505.07(a) realtive to Cruelty to Animals Generally 10/11/2022 Passed 7-0
183-2022 Grant Criminal Justice Services 2022 Body Worn Camera Police Dept. 10/11/2022 Passed 7-0
184-2022 Master Services Agreement Medina Port Authority Fiber Transport 10/11/2022 Passed 7-0
185-2022 Revocable Use Permit South Court LLC fencing stairs Feckley Lot #4 10/11/2022 Passed 7-0
186-2022 Support West Creek Conservancy's Clean Ohio Green Space Champion Creek 10/11/2022 Passed 7-0
187-2022 Increase expenditure Kokosing Materials Service Dept 10/11/2022 Passed 7-0
188-2022 Storm Water Operation Maintenance agreement Taco Bell LLC 10/11/2022 Passed 7-0
189-2022 Award contract Fire Station #1 Parking Lot replacement project 10/11/2022 Passed 7-0
190-2022 Award contract City Railroad Drainage Cross Improvements project 10/11/2022 Passed 7-0
191-2022 Accept (1) Easement Gates Mills Bridge replacement project 10/11/2022 Passed 7-0
192-2022 Increase expenditure Wintrow Construction repair City Rail Line 10/11/2022 Passed 7-0
193-2022 Donation $2,000 Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry 2022 10/11/2022 Passed 7-0
194-2022 Workforce Grant agreement 21 local businesses Economic Development 10/11/2022 Passed 7-0
195-2022 Expenditure $70,000 MMHA Supportive housing construction Medina 10/11/2022 Passed 7-0
196-2022 Amend Sec. 1137.02 & 1137.04 Part II - Planning Zoning Code 10/11/2022 Passed 7-0
197-2022 Amend Ord. 201-21 passed 12/13/21 Budget 2022 10/11/2022 Passed 7-0
198-2022 Congratulations to Luke Patrick Fisher attaining Eagle Scout Rank 10/24/2022 Passed 4-0
199-2022 Accept amounts rates Budget Commission tax levies certify County Auditor 10/25/2022 Passed 5-0
200-2022 Solicit RFP's Consultant Services Multi-Use Path Plan City Medina 10/24/2022 Passed 4-0
201-2022 Grant Assist Medina Co. Senior Services Network MCRC 10/25/2022 Passed 5-0
202-2022 MOU sanitary sewer replacement West Smith Rd. reconstruction Phase 4 11/14/2022 Passed 7-0
203-2022 Amend sec. 2 Ord. 139-22 passed 7/11/22 W. Smith Rd. Phase 4 11/14/2022 Passed 7-0
204-2022 Amend Rule VIII(K)(3) Civil Service Probationary Periods Promo Appointments 11/14/2022 Passed 7-0
205-2022 Accept SWOMA Sandridge Food Corp. newly installed storm water detention 11/14/2022 Passed 7-0
206-2022 Grant Agreement BJA DOJ Body-worn camera policy Police Dept. 11/14/2022 Passed 7-0
207-2022 Purchase (3) 2023 Ford Interceptors includes upfitting Police Dept.  11/14/2022 Passed 7-0
208-2022 Execute listing marketing agreement Brindlee Mountain Fire 1997 Pierce Fire Truck 11/14/2022 Passed 7-0
209-2022 Amend Ord. 201-21 passed 12/13/21 Budget 2022 11/14/2022 Passed 7-0
210-2022 Authorize Finance director rollover certain outstanding advances 11/14/2022 Passed 7-0
211-2022 Master Agreement aggregated group City Medina & Energy Harbor LLC 11/28/2022 Passed 6-1abs/JC
212-2022 Amend sec 31.05 31.07 Salaries Benefit Rec Center Facility Supervisor 11/28/2022 Passed 7-0
213-2022 Fanning Howey Design Services expansion Fitness room repeal Ord. 47-19 11/28/2022 Passed 6-1abs/JS
214-2022 Medina Co, Combined Genereal Health District storm water runoff NPDES 11/28/2022 Passed 7-0
215-2022 Amend sec 31.05 Salaries Benefit pay grade Parks Director 11/28/2022 Passed 7-0
216-2022 Medical Mutual Health Care Insurance Medina City Employees 11/28/2022 Passed 7-0
217-2022 Amend sec 31.02(B)(13) 31.05 Salaries Benefit Clerk council Deputy Clerk 11/28/2022 Passed 7-0
218-2022 Amend Ord. 201-21 passed 12/13/21 Budget 2022 11/28/2022 Passed 7-0
219-2022 Finance Director to rollover certain outstanding advances 11/28/2022 Passed 7-0
220-2022 Internet Auction 2023 11/28/2022 Passed 7-0
221-2022 2023 Budget Ordinance 12/12/2022 Passed 6-0
222-2022 2023 through 2027 Adopt 5-Yr Budget 12/12/2022 Passed 6-0
223-2022 Amend sec 31.05 31.07 Salaries Benefits New IT department 12/12/2022 Passed 6-0
224-2022 MOU Cleveland Clinic Police authorizing limited policing powers within city 12/12/2022 Passed 6-0
225-2022 Replace sec 31.03 Salaries Benefits salary schedule non-union employess 12/12/2022 Passed 6-0
226-2022 Amend Ord 213-22 Fanning Howey Fitness room Rec Center 12/12/2022 Passed 5-1 abs/JS
227-2022 Agreement Lafayette Twp Community Policing Law Enforcement Services 12/12/2022 Passed 6-0
228-2022 Amend Ord 201-21 passed 12/31/21 Budget 2022 12/12/2022 Passed 6-0
229-2022 Finance Director to make certain fund advances 12/12/2022 Passed 6-0