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2021 Ordinances and Resolutions January - June

2021 Ordinances and Resolutions July - Dec

Ord./Res. Number Description of Ord./Res. Date Passed Vote
001-2021 Amend Sec. 133.01 Codified Ordinances City Medina for Fire Department Association Membership 01/11/2021 Passed 7-0
002-2021 Expenditure not to exceed $66,500 Epic Avaiation LLC purchase Jet-A-Fuel Medina Municipal Airport 01/11/2021 Passed 7-0
003-2021 Purchase (1) 2021 Ford Explorer from Lebanon Ford for Police Department 01/11/2021 Passed 7-0
004-2021 Purchase (1) Dodge Journey FWD vehicle Fred Martin Zoning & Property Maint. Inspection Dept. 01/11/2021 Passed 7-0
005-2021 County Auditor to make tax advances during 2021 pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 321.34 01/11/2021 Passed 7-0
006-2021 Mayor to enter into a contract for Fire Services with Montville Township 01/25/2021 Passed 7-0
007-2021 Mayor to enter into a contract for Fire Services with Medina Township 01/25/2021 Passed 7-0
008-2021 Payment of $30,000.00 Main Street Medina 2021 Membership renewal 01/25/2021 Passed 7-0
009-2021 Grant Award Ohio Law Enforcement Body Armor Program Purchase Body Armor Vests for Police Department 01/25/2021 Passed 7-0
010-2021 Expenditure Central Square Technologies subscription annual maint. agreement Computer Aided Dispatch & Report Police Dept. 01/25/2021 Passed 7-0
011-2021 Approving Replat City Hall Abutting Property Lots #9372, 9373, 9374 Mayor to sign Plat as City's designated representative 01/25/2021 Passed 7-0
012-2021 Amend Ord. 217-20 passed December 14, 2020 Budget 2021 01/25/2021 Passed 7-0
013-2021 Authorize Finance Director to make certain Fund Transfers 01/25/2021 Passed 7-0
014-2021 Purchase 25 Dell Computers, 25 Monitors, 25 Microsoft Word Licenses MNJ Technologies various departments 02/08/2021 Passed 5-0
015-2021 Advertise bids award contract one year supply various kinds of maintenance materials for various departments 02/08/2021 Passed 5-0
016-2021 Expenditure to Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company for Sanitation Department 02/08/2021 Passed 5-0
017-2021 Authorize expenditure of $60,000 Signal Service Company Street Department 02/08/2021 Passed 5-0
018-2021 Advertise bids award contract East Reagan Parkway Multi-Purpose Trail Project #1066 02/08/2021 Passed 5-0
019-2021 Authorize purchase new lockers DeBourgh Manufacturing Police Department Locker Room Project 02/08/2021 Passed 5-0
020-2021 Mayor accept three (3) easements necessary for East Liberty Storm Sewer Installation Project 02/08/2021 Passed 5-0
021-2021 Amend Ord. 142-20 passe 8/24/20 payment CPS Construction Inc. for design construction City Hall Parking Deck 02/08/2021 Passed 5-0
022-2021 Amend Res. 86-19 passed 6/10/19 Small Cities PY19 CDBG Program 02/08/2021 Passed 5-0
023-2021 Amend Ord. 217-20 passed 12/14/20 amendments to 2021 Budget 02/08/2021 Passed 5-0
024-2021 Sign receipt release $75,000 donation Estate Howard C. Ward Christmas Lighting/decor for Town Square 02/08/2021 Passed 5-0
025-2021 Mayor contract Gatchell Grant Resources AFG replacement of air tanks for Fire Department 02/08/2021 Passed 5-0
026-2021 3Yr. Capital Improvement Plan REC Center expenditure of current cash balance of fund to MCS joint operating agreement 02/22/2021 Passed 6-1abs/JS
027-2021 Amend Sec. 2 Ord. 184-20 passed 10/26/20 final pymt Engelke construction Solutions City Hall Rotunda Renovation 02/22/2021 Passed 7-0
028-2021 Amend Ord. 131-20 passed 7/13/20 contract for detention basin Medina Municipal Airport Project #947 02/22/2021 Passed 7-0
029-2021 Amend Sec 2 Ord. 21-21 passed 2/8/21 pymt Design-Build Contract CPS Construction City Hall Parking Deck 02/22/2021 Passed 7-0
030-2021 Submit letter of Interest to NOACA Potential Fast Charging Electric Vehicle charging Stations 02/22/2021 Passed 7-0


Congratulating Brandon Scott Fisher on attaining the Rank of Eagle Scout

03/08/2021 Passed 6-0
032-2021 Award contract bidder for project #946C: Ray Mellert Fitness Trail Phase 2 03/08/2021 Passed 6-0
033-2021 Grant Assist Ohio Rail Development Commission (ORDC) 03/08/2021 Passed 6-0
034-2021 Pymt Software Solutions (SSI) annual support services City's VIP professional accounting system 03/08/2021 Passed 6-0
035-2021 Donating used Medina TV and City of Medina equipment to Medina County 03/08/2021 Passed 6-0
036-2021 Application Grant Assist FAA for FAA CRRSAA Airport Funding 03/08/2021 Passed 6-0
037-2021 Expenditure of $10,000.00 to Medina County SPCA for animal related services for year of 2021 03/08/2021 Passed 6-0
038-2021 Amend Ord. 3-21 passed January 11, 2021 purchase of (1) 2021 Ford Explorer Lebanon for Police Dept. 03/08/2021 Passed 6-0
039-2021 Memorandum Understanding County Board Commissioners for Medina TV Program Services 03/22/2021 Passed 6-0
040-2021 Grant Assist Supreme Court Ohio 2021 Technology grant Medina Municipal Court 03/22/2021 Passed 6-0
041-2021 Amend Sec. 31.14(L) Salaries Benefit Code relative to Sick Leave 03/22/2021 Passed 6-0
042-2021 Amend Sec. 31.05 Salaries Benefits Code relative to Building Official paygrade 03/22/2021 Passed 6-0
043-2021 Amend Ord. 157-20 relative to West Liberty Storm Sewer Improvement / Parking deck detention project 03/22/2021 Passed 6-0
044-2021 Award contract 2021 Concrete Street Repair Program 03/22/2021 Passed 6-0
045-2021 Final Resolution Execution documentation ODOT & Medina City for SR 18 Corridor Improvement Project 03/22/2021 Passed 6-0
046-2021 Ohio Regional Development Corp. file grant assist PY2020 Targets Opportunity Cares Act fund 03/22/2021 Passed 6-0
047-2021 Expenditure ORDC for administration of PY2020 CHIP Program 03/22/2021 Passed 6-0
048-2021 Amend Ord. 217-20 passed 12/14/20 amendments to 2021 budget 03/22/2021 Passed 6-0
049-2021 Agreement with USI Insurance Services for City's property & general Liability April 1, 2021 thru March 31, 2022 03/22/2021 Passed 6-0
050-2021 Amend Sec. 133.01 relative to Chief of Police Association Membership 04/12/2021 Passed 6-0
051-2021 Tenant Based Rental assist agreement MMHA for PY2020 CHIP Program 04/12/2021 Passed 6-0
052-2021 Amend the Program Activity Fee Structure for Medina Community Recreation 04/12/2021 Passed 6-0
053-2021 Participation in Ohio Department Transportation Cooperative Purchasing Program sodium Chloride 04/12/2021 Passed 6-0
054-2021 Accept grant $30,000 OEPA pertaining to Electric Vehicle Charging Stations City Hall Parking Deck 04/12/2021 Passed 6-0
055-2021 Law Director prepare necessary documents transfer City Lot 9374 PPN 028-19A-21-391 0.1874 Acre CIC 05/10/2021 Passed 7-0
056-2021 Amend sec 31.02 (E) Salaries Benefits MCRC Part time pay scale Facility Monitor temp. assign. 04/12/2021 Passed 6-0
057-2021 Pulled ...never passed
058-2021 Approving accepting Capital Grant ODNR lighting East Reagan Parkway Trail Project 04/12/2021 Passed 6-0
059-2021 TREX transfer form Division Liquor Control 930 West Liberty Street 04/12/2021 Passed 6-0
060-2021 Amend Ord. 217-20 passed 12/14/20 Amendments to 2021 budget 04/12/2021 Passed 6-0
061-2021 Amend Ord. 217-20 passed 12/14/20 Amendments to 2021 budget - 2020 Carryforward 04/12/2021 Passed 6-0
062-2021 USI Insurance Services City Cyber Security Liability April 1 2022 through April 1, 2022 04/12/2021 Passed 6-0
063-2021 Grant Assist Medina County Drug Abuse Commission (MCDAC) Police Department 04/26/2021 Passed 7-0
064-2021 Purchase one (1) 2022 F-600 cab & chassis, One (1) 2021 F-150 Truck Montrose Ford Water Dept. 04/26/2021 Passed 7-0
065-2021 Hiring OHM Advisors Assistance Preparation of update to Medina City Comprehensive Plan 04/26/2021 Passed 7-0
066-2021 Memorandum Lease with Peaceworks Inc. Property at 406 S. Broadway St. 04/26/2021 Passed 7-0
067-2021 Mayor to accept two (2) easements necessary Spring Grove St. bridge replacement project 04/26/2021 Passed 7-0
068-2021 Resolution donating twenty five (25) Dell Optiplex Computers to Medina City Schools 04/26/2021 Passed 6-1abs/JS
069-2021 Establishing an American Rescue Plan Act Fund (#171) for the City of Medina 04/26/2021 Passed 7-0
070-2021 Rezoning Portion of 123 W. Liberty P-F to C-2 and 364 Foundry St., & 347 N. Huntington St. R-3 to O-C 04/26/2021 Passed 7-0
071-2021 Issuance sale not to exceed $11,655,000 Bonds refund portions outstanding 05/10/2021 Passed 7-0
072-2021 Issuance sale not to exceed $7,345,000 Bonds Streets Improvements 05/10/2021 Passed 7-0
073-2021 Agreement ODOT Traffic Signal Maintenance SR18 and Foote Rd. 05/10/2021 Passed 7-0
074-2021 Agreement ODOT Traffic Signal Maintenance US 42 and Grande 05/10/2021 Passed 7-0
075-2021 Enter Service Agreement Armstrong Fiber internet access 40 line Medina Municipal Court 05/10/2021 Passed 7-0
076-2021 Donation 2009 Nissan Cube South Square Collision use D.A.R.E. vehicle Police Dept. 05/10/2021 Passed 7-0
077-2021 Accept (1) Easement North Broadway Street Bridge Replacement Project 05/10/2021 Passed 7-0
078-2021 Submit request Federal Grant Funds State Rd. Reconstruction Project 05/10/2021 Passed 7-0
079-2021 Amend sec 31.02(B)(11) 31.05 31.07 Salaries benefits Community Development Dept. Code enforcement inspector 05/10/2021 Passed 7-0
080-2021 Increase expenditure to Baker $55,000 for Law Department 05/10/2021 Passed 7-0
081-2021 Increase Expenditure Walter Haverfield $35,000 Law Department 05/10/2021 Passed 7-0
082-2021 Medina City Annual Audit Letter of Arrangement fiscal period ending December 31, 2020 05/24/2021 Passed 7-0
083-2021 Fee Proposal GPD Modify water line within ODOT's SR 18 Corridor Project 05/24/2021 Passed 7-0
084-2021 Accept two (2) easements for North Broadway Bridge Replacement Project 05/24/2021 Passed 7-0
085-2021 Award Contract for North Broadway / Spring Grove Culvert replacement project 05/24/2021 Passed 7-0
086-2021 Award Contract for 2021-2022 equipment Asphalt Paving Services Program Service Department 05/24/2021 Passed 7-0
087-2021 Accept Probation Community Corrections Act Grant CCA July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023 Muni Court 05/24/2021 Passed 7-0
088-2021 Amend Sec 31.02(B)(6) Salaries Benefit Intensive Supervision Probation employees Muni Court 05/24/2021 Passed 7-0
089-2021 Amend Ord 217-20 passed 12/14/20 amendments to 2021 Budget 05/24/2021 Passed 7-0
090-2021 Commending Sandy Davis dedicated years service to City of Medina 06/14/2021 Passed 7-0
091-2021 Authorizing Job Creation Grant pymt $33,717.45 Sandridge Food Corporation 06/14/2021 Passed 7-0
092-2021 Grant Assist Ohio Development Services Agency Office of Housing Community Development CDBG 06/14/2021 Passed 7-0
093-2021 Establishing Medina Municipal Court Special Projects Fund #157 - Pre-trial Drug Testing 06/14/2021 Passed 7-0
094-2021 RFP's Marketing and Solicitation Services Medina Community Recreation Center 06/14/2021 Passed 6-1abs/JS
095-2021 American Structurepoint, Inc. right-of-way acquisition services West Smith Road Phase 4 Project 06/14/2021 Passed 7-0
096-2021 Amend Sec 31.05 salaries benefits code relative to Patrol Officers Police Department 06/14/2021 Passed 6-1/JC
097-2021 Agreement Municipal Court Conceptual Design Agreement 06/14/2021 Passed 7-0
098-2021 ***Number not assigned
099-2021 ***Number not assigned
100-2021 Amend Ord. 217-20 passed 12/14/20 Budget 2021 06/14/2021 Passed 7-0
101-2021 Amend Lease agreement Williams Scotsman Inc. Flex portable building at Medina Municipal Court 06/28/2021 Passed 7-0
102-2021 Establishing As Hoc Committee known as Municipal Court Planning Committee 06/28/2021 Passed 7-0
103-2021 Advertise award contract 2021 Pavement Marketing  Program 06/28/2021 Passed 7-0
104-2021 Advertise award contract East Reagan Parkway Multi-Purpose Trail Lighting Project 06/28/2021 Passed 7-0
105-2021 Amend sec. 31.05 and 31.07 Salaries Benefits Code Cable TV Dept. Technical Operations Position 06/28/2021 Passed 7-0
106-2021 Agreement Medina City School for position of Operations Director with Medina TV 06/28/2021 Passed 6-1abs/JS
107-2021 Amend Ord. 217-20 passed 12/14/20 amendments to 2021 Budget 06/28/2021 Passed 7-0
108-2021 Finance Director to draw warrants for the payment of invoice totaling $7,970.40 Treasure State Ohio Acct. 001-0707-52221 06/28/2021 Passed 7-0
109-2021 Approving $621.00 variance presented by Muni court pertaining to Ohio Auditor 2020 annual audit 06/28/2021 Passed 7-0
110-2021 Adopting tax Budget fiscal year Jan 1, 2022 submitting same to Medina Co. Auditor 06/28/2021 Passed 7-0
111-2021 Amend Ord. 95-21 passed 6/14/21 agreement American Structurepoint West Smith Rd phase 4 project 06/28/2021 Passed 7-0
112-2021 Proposing providing submission to general election involving Article V sec. 1 & 3 and Article III sec. 12 Director of Finance position 06/28/2021 Passed 7-0

Passed 7-0