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2019 Ordinances and Resolutions January - August
2019 Ordinances and Resolutions January - August
Ordinance Number | Description | Date Passed | Vote |
Job Creation Grant Agreement Ravago Americas LLC | 01/14/19 | 7-0 | |
Res. requesting County Auditor tax advances 2010 Sec. 321.34 | 01/14/19 | 7-0 | |
Bids, Award contract West Smith Rd. reconstruction Phase 3 |
01/14/19 | 7-0 | |
Ord. 004-19 | Amend Sec. 31.07 salaries benefits Sanitation Dept. Superintendent Foreman | 01/14/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 005-19 | Increase expenditure Walter & Haverfield $40,000 Law Dept. | 01/14/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 006-19 | Purchase (1) 2019 Ford F250 Supercab truck snowplow Parks | 01/14/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 007-19 | Amend sec. 31.02 (B)(12) 31.05 salaries benefits Law Dept. | 01/14/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 008-19 | Amend Ord. 195-18 passed 12/10/18 Budget 2019 | 01/14/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 009-19 | Commend Kimberly Walter dedicated years service Law Dept | 01/28/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 010-19 | Cleveland Clinic LST 911 dispatch | 01/28/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 011-19 | Medina Township 911 dispatch services | 01/28/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 012-19 | Montville Township 911 dispatch services | 01/28/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 013-19 | Amend sec. 917.04 Water Rates | 01/28/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 014-19 | Housing revolving loan fund | 01/28/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 015-19 | Pymt $30,000 Main Street Medina membership renewal | 01/28/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 016-19 | Tenant based rental assistance MMHA PY18 CHIP | 01/28/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 017-19 | Grant assist ODNR recreation trails program | 01/28/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 018-19 | Authorize Finance Director make certain fund transfers | 01/28/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 019-19 | Amend Ord. 195-18 passed 12/10/18 2019 Budget | 01/28/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 020-19 | Execute authorization letters for costs incurred RITA collection delinquent tax accounts | 01/28/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 021-19 | Amend Ord. 198-18 passed 12//10/18 revitalization district | 01/28/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 022-19 | Accept Kensington Point Plat Lots 8240 8817 8896 new lots 9266-9239 | 02/11/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 023-19 | Expenditure Zuecher subscription maint. police dispatch | 02/11/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 024-19 | Award contract bidder seal city owned abandoned water wells | 02/11/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 025-19 | Certify tax valuation renewal 2.2 mil increase 1mil emergency | 02/11/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 026-19 | Then & Now continued Operation Municipal Services | 02/11/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 027-19 | Then & Now continued Operation Municipal Services | 02/11/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 028-19 | Commend retired Larry A. Codding Medina City Fire Fighter | 02/25/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 029-19 | Amend Planning Zoning Code part 11 sec. 1109.01 1141.01 1141.05 1145.04(a) 1147.04(d) | 02/25/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 030-19 | Letter Arrangement Auditor State Keith Faber prep annual audit City Medina fiscal period ending 12/31/18 | 02/25/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 031-19 | Increase expenditure Goodyear Tire Rubber Co. $40,000 Sanitation Department | 02/25/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 032-19 | Amend Ord. 103-17 passed 7/10/17 sec. 31.01 salaries benefits Pay Positions Members Council | 02/25/19 | 6-1(BL) |
Ord. 033-19 | Amend Sec 917.04(d) relative to Bulk Water Rates | 02/25/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 034-19 | Amend Ord. 195-18 passed 12/10/18 Budget 2019 | 02/25/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 035-19 | Then & Now Lexipol 2019 policy manual updates Police Dept. | 02/25/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 036-19 | Then & Now Ohio State Highway Patrol Police Dept. LEADS | 02/25/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 037-19 | Then & Now Verizon monthly cell phone and iPad usage fees | 02/25/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 038-19 | Then & Now Ohio Edison electric bills Lights public buildings | 02/25/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 039-19 | Increase of 1 Mill operation Ambulance Emergency Medical | 03/11/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 040-19 | Updated City owned Electronic Device Policy Medina | 03/11/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 041-19 | Pymt $36,373 Software Solution maint. Finance Service Dept | 03/11/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 042-19 | Purchase (5) 2020 Ford Interceptor Explorers Police Dept. | 03/11/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 043-19 | Amend Ord. 195-18 passed 12/10/18 Budget 2019 | 03/11/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 044-19 | Then & Now Magistrate office furniture Talberts Municipal Crt. | 03/11/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 045-19 | CHIP PY2018 Administrative Services | 03/25/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 046-19 | Arnold Architectural Strageties Fitness room addition Rec | 03/25/19 | 5-1abs/JS |
Ord. 047-19 | Letter intent Fitness Affition Rec Center | 03/25/19 | 5-1abs/JS |
Ord. 048-19 | Fund Transfer $60,000 140 Parking Fund operating expenses | 03/25/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 049-19 | Fund Transfer $100,000 575 Joint operating Agreement | 03/25/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 050-19 | Then & Now pymt #1175223 M&L Supply Fire Department | 03/25/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 051-19 | Then & Now pymt #1201911 Compmanagement Finance Dept | 03/25/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 052-19 | Then & Now pymt #2812 Economic Dev Corp yr member fee | 03/25/19 | 6-0 |
Ord. 053-19 | 347 N. Huntington 625 Bownman Ln 0.629 acres swap | 03/25/19 | 5-1abs/JS |
Ord. 054-19 | Expenditure $8,850 SPCA for animal related services 2019 | 04/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 055-19 | Award contract 2019 Concrete Street Repair Program | 04/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 056-19 | Award contract 2019 Concrete Curb Installation Program | 04/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 057-19 | ODOT Purchasing Program Sodium Chloride Rock Salt 2019 - 2020 season | 04/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 058-19 | Amend Sec. 945.02(G) relative to Park Restrictions for dog restrained by a leash | 04/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 059-19 | Expenditure Signal Service Co. emergency repairs S. Court/Koons Streets Department | 04/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 060-19 | Pulled/Removed | ||
Ord. 061-19 | USI Insurance Services LLC City Property General Liability period 4/1/19 - 3/31/2020 | 04/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 062-19 | Amend Ord. 195-18 passed 12/10/18 #143-0748-54411 (Econ. Dev. - Land) | 04/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 063-19 | Advertise bids award contract Lafayette Road Sidewalks Project | 04/22/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 064-19 | Real Estate Purchase 3 parcels vacant land S. Elmwood Ave Medina Ohio BOC | 04/22/19 | 7-0 |
Res. 065-19 | Levy renewal existing tax 2.2 mills increase 1 mill Ambulance Emergency Medical Service | 04/22/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 066-19 | Amend Salary Benefits Code sec. 31.07 revised job descriptions | 04/22/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 067-19 | Contract Ohio Edison removal relocation several utility poles City Hall Parking Structure | 04/22/19 | 6-1abs/JC |
Ord. 068-19 | Amend Ord. 195-18, passed 12/10/18 Budget 2019 | 04/22/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 069-19 | Amend Ord. 195-18, passed 12/10/18 Budget 2019 Carryforward 2018 | 04/22/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 070-19 | Authorizing Finance Director to make certain fund advances | 04/22/19 | 7-0 |
Res. 071-19 | Grant Assist MCDAC increase enforcement illegal narcotics transportation trafficking | 04/22/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 072-19 | Council to reject all bids for parking facility project at City Hall | 04/22/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 073-19 | Solicit Design-Build Proposals Parking Facility adjacent Medina City Hall | 04/24/19 | 7-0 |
Res. 074-19 | Adoption Medina County 2019 All Hazard & Flood Mitigation Plan Update | 05/13/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 075-19 | Amend Sec 31.02(E) Salaries Benefits Schedule Lifeguards Medina Rec Center | 05/13/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 076-19 | Amend Sec 903.01(B)(3) Codified Ordinances Repair Reconstruction Red Brick Streets | 05/13/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 077-19 | Amend Ordinance 195-18 passed 12/10/18 Budget 2019 | 05/13/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 078-19 | Amend Ord. 75-19 passed 5/13/19 Salary Schedule Lifeguards MCRC | 05/28/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 079-19 | Amend Program Activity Fee Structure Medina Rec Community Center | 05/28/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 080-19 | Amendment #11 Delta Airport design consulting work N. Detention Basin MMA | 05/28/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 081-19 | Increase Expenditure Ohio Regional Development Corp. PY18 CHIP fair housing | 05/28/19 | 7-0 |
Res. 082-19 | Bureau Justice Assistance Edward Byrne Justice Assist Grant (JAG) Police Dept. | 05/28/19 | 7-0 |
Res. 083-19 | Congratulating Benjamin W. Colonius attaining Eagle Scout Rank | 06/10/19 | 7-0 |
Res. 084-19 | Congratulating Discount Drug Mart on 50 year Anniversary | 06/10/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 085-19 | Award Contract bidder North-Taxiway Extension Project Medina Municipal Airport | 06/10/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 086-19 | Application Grant Assist Ohio Development Services Agency small cities PY19 CDBG Program | 06/10/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 087-19 | Railroad Crossing Agreement Wheeling Lake Erie West Smith Rd. Water Line | 06/10/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 088-19 | Increase expenditure Core and Main $60,000 Water Department | 06/10/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 089-19 | Purchase (1) 2019 Ford F550 4 wheel drive Montrose Ford Street Department | 06/10/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 090-19 | Moratorium Enforcement Zoning Setback property pertaining ODOT State Rt.18 | 06/10/19 |
7-0 |
Resolution congratulating James Fleek IV attaining rank of Eagle Scout #508 | 06/24/19 | 7-0 | |
Ord. 092-19 | Parr Public Safety Equipment outfit new Police Cruisers for Police Department | 06/24/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 093-19 | Plat of Survey create new parcel 625 Bowman Lane | 06/24/19 | 6-1abs/JS |
Ord. 094-19 | Mutual Easement cooperation agreement Board Education Reagan Park and Eiza Northrop Connector Trail Project. | 06/24/19 | 6-1abs/JS |
Ord. 095-19 | Grant award Ohio Law Enforcement Body armor vests Police Department | 06/24/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 096-19 | Agreement Delta Airport Consultants professional services Medina Muni Airport | 06/24/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 097-19 | Expenditure Ohio Regional Development Corp. soft costs PY18 CHIP grant | 06/24/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 098-19 | BOC share construction Management services Joint Construction management County / City Courthouse | 06/24/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 099-19 | Resolution Congratulating Elijah Schmeller attaining Eagle Scout Rank | 07/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 100-19 | Pymt to Jen Met Construction Private rehab 3877 Miller Dr. PY18 CHIP grant | 07/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 101-19 | Medina Community Develop Block Grant Program Citizen Participation Plan | 07/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 102-19 | Grant assist U.S. Dept. Homeland Security 2018 AFG equipment Fire Dept | 07/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 103-19 | Tax Budget fiscal year Jan. 1, 2020 submit same to Medina County Auditor | 07/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 104-19 | Amend Lafayette Twnsp Trustees community Policing law enforcement services | 07/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 105-19 | Award contract bidder South Broadway Street Reconstruction Project. | 07/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 106-19 | Grant assist ODOT Municipal bridge program replacement South Prospect St. | 07/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 107-19 | Rezone properties 216, 222, & 226 S. Jefferson St. R-3 to M-U | Failed | 1/BS - 6 |
Ord. 108-19 | Approve adopt enact current replacement pages Codified Ordinances | 07/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 109-19 | Extend Supervision Probation Grant Municipal Court through PY 2020 & 2021 | 07/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 110-19 | Amend Sec. 31.02(B)(6) Salaries Benefits code Intensive Supervision Probation | 07/08/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 111-19 | Amend Sec. 541.08 Prohibit Intimidation basis sex, gender identity, expression, sexual orientation. | 07/08/19 | 6-1/BS |
Ord. 112-19 | Adopt new chapter 717 Prohibit discriminatory conduct basis of sexual orientation and gender identity or expression | 07/08/19 | 5-2/BS/PR |
Ord. 113-19 | Award contract bidder sale removal city-owned house 347 N. Huntington St. | 07/08/19 | 6-1/JS |
Ord. 114-19 | Execute Design-Build contract CPS Construction City Hall Parking Structure | 07/31/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 115-19 | Warranty deed 0.629 acres 347 N. Huntington 625 Bowman Ln. mutual benefit | 07/22/19 | 6-1abs/JS |
Ord. 116-19 | Pymt. $5,271.00 Baker Dublikar for Legal Services provided | 07/31/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 117-19 | Congratulations Nicholas Xavier Maleski attaining Eagle Scout rank | 08/26/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 118-19 | Expenditure Chippewa Roofing LLC emergency repairs City Garage roof | 08/26/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 119-19 | Expenditure Main Street Lighting repairs replacement luminaries Historic dist. | 08/26/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 120-19 | Rezoning 1088 S. Court St. R-3 High Density Residential- C-3 General Comm. | Failed | 1/BS-6 |
Ord. 121-19 | Purchase (1) 2020 freightliner 114SD refuse truck Bell Equip Co. Sanitation | 08/26/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 122-19 | Accept (4) easements West Smith Rd. reconstruction phase 3 project | 08/26/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 123-19 | Amending expanding Medina Parking District No. 1 | 08/26/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 124-19 | Amend Ord. 195-18 passed 12/10/18 Budget 2019 | 08/26/19 | 7-0 |
Ord. 125-19 | Draw warrants pymt invoice $3,847 Butzer 87 Circle Dr. PY18 CHIP Grant | 08/26/19 | 7-0 |