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2020 Ordinances and Resolutions Jan. - June

2020 Ordinances and Resolutions Jan - June

Ord./Res. Number Discription of Ordinance/Resolution Date Passed Vote
Ord. 001-2020 Amend Sec 31.05 Salary Benefit relative Recreation Center Aquatics Manager paygrade 01/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 002-2020 Amend Sec 133.01 codified ordinances relative City of Medina Association Memberships 01/13/20 Passed 7-0
Res. 003-2020 County Auditor tax advances 2020 pursuant Ohio Revised code section 321.34 01/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 004-2020 Advertise bids award contract 2020 Concrete Pavement General Services Program 01/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 005-2020 RFP's consultant services award contract creation new Comprehensive Plan for City Medina 01/13/20 Passed 7-0
Res. 006-2020 Grant assist Ohio History Connection Certified Local Government Grant 01/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 007-2020 Expenditure $66,500.00 Epic Aviation LLC purchase Jet-A fuel Medina Muni Airport 01/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 008-2020 Amend Sec 31.07 Salary Benefit revised job description Police Administrative Assistant 01/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 009-2020 Amend Sec 153.01(c) relative to the Civil Service Commission 01/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 010-2020 Amend agreement Lafayette Twp Community Policing Law Enforcement Services 01/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 011-2020 Amend 105-19 bidding awarding contract S. Broadway St. reconstruction project 01/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 012-2020 Memorandum CBOC relative sanitary sewer construction S. Broadway St. 01/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 013-2020 Amend Sec 917.04 (A) relative to the Water Rates 01/27/20 Passed 6-0
Ord. 014-2020 Adopting Sexual Offender Plan of Action Policy for Medina Community Recreation Center 01/27/20 Passed 6-0
Ord. 015-2020 3 yr contract Rea & Associates City's CAFR GAAP ending 12/31/19 12/31/20 12/31/21 01/27/20 Passed 6-0
Ord. 016-2020 Pymt $40,000 Jenmet Construction private rehab 1843 Berkshire Brunswick PY18 CHIP 01/27/20 Passed 6-0
Ord. 017-2020 Expenditure of $50,000 Signal Service Co. Street Department 01/27/20 Passed 6-0
Ord. 018-2020 Expenditure of $70,000 Lake County Sewer Co. Street Department 01/27/20 Passed 6-0
Ord. 019-2020 Expenditure to SOS Integration for PLC Upgrades Water Pump Stations/Tower Water Dept 01/27/20 Passed 6-0
Ord. 020-2020 Award contract bidder 1 yr supply various maintenence materials several city depts. 01/27/20 Passed 6-0
Res. 021-2020 Application grant assist ODOT of Aviation Medina Municipal Airport remark Airfield Project 01/27/20 Passed 6-0
Ord. 022-2020 Task Order #3 Agreement Delta Airport Consult service for project #1063 remark airfield 01/27/20 Passed 6-0
Ord. 023-2020 Amend Sec 31.05 & 31.07 Salaries Benefits Finance job descript Accounts Payable Clerk 01/27/20 Passed 6-0
Ord. 024-2020 Amend Sec 31.02 & 31.05 Salaries Benefits Muni Ct. Probation Officer/Facilitator position 01/27/20 Passed 6-0
Ord. 025-2020 Amend Ord. 187-19 passed 11/25/19 Amendments to 2020 Budget 01/27/20 Passed 6-0
Ord. 026-2020 Authorizing the Finance Director to make certain Fund Transfers 01/27/20 Passed 6-0
Ord. 027-2020 Pymt Absolute Construction Services private home rehab 533 S. Broadway PY18 CHIP 02/10/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 028-2020 RFQ's RFP's Consultant services PY20 Competitive set-aside Programs city of Medina 02/10/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 029-2020 Amend Ord. 196-19 relative purchase agreement (3) acres real property Park Department 02/10/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 030-2020 Purchase (1) 2020 Ventrac 4500P Compact tractor Baker Vehicle Systems Inc. Parks Dept. 02/10/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 031-2020 Memorandum Kokosing Materials, Osbornd-Medina, 1000 Lake Holdings, Medina Rail Line 02/10/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 032-2020 Advertise bids award contract 2020 Concrete Street Repair Program 02/10/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 033-2020 Pymt. invoice #101218 Trident Insurance Services LLC for the Law Department 02/24/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 034-2020 Pymt. invoice #3450 $3,520.88 Nature's Own Source, LLC Service Department 02/24/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 035-2020 Pymt. Software Solutions Inc. (SSI) annual support eGOV Professional Accounting System 02/24/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 036-2020 Advertise award contract successful bidder 2020 Pavement Marking Program 02/24/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 037-2020 Advertise award contract successful bidder for project #1063 Muni Airport Remark Airfield 02/24/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 038-2020 Execute consent legislation ODOT to complete a Bridge replacement SR 3 02/24/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 039-2020 Purchase 29 Dell Computers 10 Laptops Licenses MNJ Technologies various departments 02/24/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 040-2020 Purchase (6) Mobile column lifts vehicle maintenance dept. Mohawk Resources LTD. 02/24/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 041-2020 Fair Dermody consult. engineering design services W. Smith Rd. Railroad bridge repair 02/24/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 042-2020 Ratifying agreement City of Medina & International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 436 02/24/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 043-2020 Amending Ord. 187-19 passed November 25, 2019 amendments to the 2020 Budget 02/24/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 044-2020 Expenditure $10,000.00 SPCA animal related services for year 2020 03/09/20 Passed 4-0
Ord. 045-2020 Amend Sec 943.06(i) Markers Monuments Foundations Niche Spring Grove Cemetery 03/09/20 Passed 4-0
Ord. 046-2020 Purchase (1) 2020 Ford F250 Truck Montrose Reading Classic II service body Parks Dept. 03/09/20 Passed 4-0
Res. 047-2020 Grant OEPA purchase new front loader packer truck used in collection recyclable materials 03/09/20 Passed 4-0
Ord. 048-2020 Contract Gatchell Grant Resources AFG replacement Air Tanks Fire Department 03/09/20 Passed 4-0
Ord. 049-2020 Amend No. 98-19 agreement commissioners share cost design County-City Courthouse 03/09/20 Passed 4-0
Ord. 050-2020 Amend No. 187-19 passed 11/25/19 Budget 2020 03/09/20 Passed 4-0
Res. 051-2020 Accept Medina Evening Rotary Club donation of $5,000.00 care preserve protect 911 Memorial Monument 03/23/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 052-2020 Water Service Connection at 5528 Lafayette Township 03/23/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 053-2020 Increase expenditure Lake County Sewer $85,000.00 for Street Department 03/23/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 054-2020 Sign letter of arrangement auditor Keith Faber preparation annual audit city Medina PY2019 03/23/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 055-2020 Purchase installation fitness equipment Ray Mellert Park Game Time PY2019 CDBG program 03/23/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 056-2020 Amend 31.02(b) 31.04 31.05 31.07 Salaries Benefit Tree Care Tech, job descriptions Parks Dept. 03/23/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 057-2020 Advertise bids award contract Lindenwood Lake Dam Improvements Project 03/23/20 Passed 7-0
Res. 058-2020 ODOT Cooperative Purchasing Program for sodium chloride (rock salt) 03/23/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 059-2020 Accept Fact Finder report Ohio Patrolmen's Benevolent Police communications Patrol & Sergeants 03/23/20 Passed 6-1abs DS
Ord. 060-2020 Amend No. 187-19 passed 11/25/19 Budget 2020 03/23/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 061-2020 Wave requirements Salaries Benefits sec. 31.09 fulltime employee James Pitsenbarger 03/23/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 062-2020 Amend Sec. 917.03(b) Water Service disconnect nonpayment reconnect charges deposits 03/18/20 Passed 6-0
Ord. 063-2020 Amend Sec 111.01 Time Place regular meetings Sec 107.03 Notification Public Meetings 03/18/20 Passed 6-0
Ord. 064-2020 Amend chapters 1331 & 1331.01 new residential code 1, 2, 3 family dwellings 04/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 065-2020 Amend Sec. 1333.01 adoption of the 2017 National Electrical Code 04/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 067-2020 Amend Ord. 129-17 Fire Service Contract between city Medina and Medina Township 04/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 068-2020 Purchase one 2020 Chevy Malibu Ganley Aurora for Police Department 04/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 069-2020 Ohio Regional Development Corp. PY2020 Community Housing Impact & preserve CHIP 04/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 070-2020 Amend Ord.187-19 passed 11/25/19 Budget 2020 carryforward 04/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 071-2020 Amend Ord. 004-20 passed 1/13/20 bids awarding contract 2020 Concrete Pavement 04/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 072-2020 Award contract successful bidder Public Square Mid Block Crossing Project 04/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 073-2020 Amend Ord. 187-19 passed 11/25/19 2020 Budget 04/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 074-2020 USI Insurance City's Property General Liability Insurance April 1, 2020 - March 31, 2020 04/13/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 075-2020 Contract 2020-2021 equipment asphalt general paving services program 04/27/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 076-2020 Agreement Cunningham Associates Spring Grove North Broadway Bridge replacement 04/27/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 077-2020 Task order #4 Delta Airport consultants Airfield remarking Medina Municipal Airport 04/27/20 Passed 7-0
Res. 078-2020 2020 remote technology grant project award from Supreme court for Medina Municipal 04/27/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 079-2020 Ratifying Collective Bargaining OPBA Police Sergeants 04/27/20 Passed 6-1abs
Ord. 080-2020 Ratifying Collective Bargaining OPBA Patrol Officers 04/27/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 081-2020 Ratifying Collective Bargaining OPBA Communication Officers 04/27/20 Passed 7-0
Res. 082-2020 Partnership Brunswick/Medina grant Assist Ohio Development Services Agency CHIP PY20 04/27/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 083-2020 Failed 2-5
Ord. 084-2020 Amend Ord. 187-19 passed 11/25/19 Budget 2020 04/27/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 085-2020 Expenditure $2,500.00 Cups Cafe EIN 26-3452478 COVID-19 relief Medina Residents 04/27/20 Passed 7-0
Res. 086-2020 Grant assist MCDAC Medina County Drug Abuse Commission Narcotics Enforcement 05/11/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 087-2020 Amend Ord. 27-20 pymt Absolute Construction rehab 533 S. Broadway St. PY18 CHIP 05/11/20 Passed 7-0
Res. 088-2020 Economic Development TREX transfer form Liquor Control 665 Lafayette Rd Medina OH 05/11/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 089-2020 Memorandum Understanding Medina Co. Soil Water Conservation District NPDES permit 05/11/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 090-2020 Amend No. 187-19 passed 11/25/19 Budget 2020 05/11/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 091-2020 Authorize Finance Director make certain fund advances 05/11/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 092-2020 Authorize Finance Director make certain fund transfers 05/11/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 093-2020 Replace Sec 31.03 31.16 - Section 1 (A) (B) (C) salaries benefits union contracts Hosp Ins 05/11/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 094-2020 Exemption Sec 1133.04 1135.05 1137.04 Chpt  1153 planning zoning outdoor dining areas 05/11/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 095-2020 Expenditure Technology Engineering Group LLC server refresh project Medina Municipal Court 05/26/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 096-2020 Grant award Ohio Law Enforcement Body Armor Vests Medina Police Department 05/26/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 097-2020 Ohio Regional Development Corp. PY20 CHIP Grant 05/26/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 098-2020 Professional Services Agreement Euthenics Inc. for Gates Mills Bridge replacement project 05/26/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 099-2020 Grant assist U.S. Department Justice Buletproof Vest Partnership Program 2020 05/26/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 100-2020 Purchase (1) 2020 F350 Four Wheel Drive Truck Utility service body for Water Department 05/26/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 101-2020 Rezoning 205 S Prospect St. R-3 high density to P-F Public Facilities 05/26/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 102-2020 Amend replace sec. 31.01-31.21 Salaries benefits code non covered under union contracts 05/26/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 103-2020 Amend Ord. 187-19 passed 11/25/19 Budget 2020 05/26/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 104-2020 Amended grant ODOT Aviation remark airfield repeal No. 21-20 passed 1/27/20 05/26/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 105-2020 Memorandum Understanding Brotherhood Teamsters Local 436 Healthcare Premiums 05/26/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 106-2020 Draw warrants payment #30159 Pioneer Technology Benchmark Services Municipal court 05/26/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 107-2020 Grant award Ohio Law Enforcement Body Armor Program Vests Medina Municipal Court 06/08/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 108-2020 Grant Assist Ohio Criminal Justice Service reimbursement COVID-19 expenses Police Dept. 06/08/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 109-2020 Accept donation Spray Products Hand Sanitizer to City of Medina 06/08/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 110-2020 Authorization Job Creation Grant Agreement for Miller Plating LLC 06/08/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 111-2020 Donating 2013 Ford Explorer Medina County Career Center Criminal Justice Program 06/08/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 112-2020 Owners drain Lindenwood Lake, repair dam, remove obstruction, silt, substances nuisance 06/08/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 113-2020 Amend Ord. 187-19 passed 11/25/19 Budget 2020 06/08/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 114-2020 Job Creation Grant Agreement Carlisle Brake & Friction Inc. 06/22/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 115-2020 Technology Grant award Ohio Supreme Court Medina Municipal Court 06/22/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 116-2020 Adopting three amendments Section 125 Plan 06/22/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 117-2020 Authorizing Finance Director Make Certain Fund Transfers 06/22/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 118-2020 Agreement GIS Group LLC Asset Management Software Services Water Dept. 06/22/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 119-2020 Amend sec. 31.02(B) 31.05 31.07 Salaries Benefit Code Street Dept. Sign Tech 06/22/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 120-2020 Amend sec. 31.05 31.07 Salaries Benefit Code Water Dept. abolish job description 06/22/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 121-2020 Adopt Tax Budget FY2021 Submit Same to Medina County Auditor 06/22/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 122-2020 Funds received from County Coronavirus Relief H.B. 481 Sec 5001 Cares Act in U.S.C. 601(d) 06/22/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 123-2020 Approve Adopt Enact Current replacement Pages Codified Ordinances Medina Ohio 06/22/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 124-2020 Amend Ord. 55-17 Temporary Extension Summer Special Membership MCRC 06/22/20 Passed 7-0
Ord. 125-2020 Accept donations to open Medina Memorial Pool 2020 Season 06/22/20 Passed 7-0