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Fire Explorer Program

Several years ago, MFD partnered with Learning For Life to start an Explorer Program for high school aged kids who want to become future firefighters. This group is open to males and females aged 14-20 who wish to gain valuable career experience and training to set them apart from their peers. The fire explorers meet at one of the Fire Stations at 6:30pm every first and third Wednesday of the month. At these meetings, they conduct training either as an individual group or with the entire Medina Fire Department. Additionally, Explorers have the opportunity to get "ride time" by shadowing the MFD Duty Crew for the day. This allows them to get a real world look at how a fire department operates during a typical shift. The training and hands on experience that they receive is invaluable as they go on to apply for jobs in the fire service. Anyone who is interested in becoming a part of the Explorer program should call Station 1 at 330-725-1772 for more information.